Thursday, August 21, 2008


This is an attempt by me as a Physics Graduate to explain the intricacies and details about photography, that I have learned over the time. Photography wasn't my passion, until I happen to visit a place with my friends and someone took stunning photo's with simple mobile and point and shoot camera. It was then that I became passionate about taking photos. As an early attempt I purchased a SONY H9 DSLR type camera and later upgraded to Canon EOS 450D.
Over the days I have learned a lot of photography and wish to share it with my friends about how photography can be understood but with a technical flair added to creativity.
It will be my attempt to simply the physical jargons of physics show how they can be correlated to creative photos.
Photography is all about PHYSICS, but taking good photo is an ART. Well my attempt is to unravel the science and learn the art.

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